

The animation series were broadcasted in 27 networks nationwide, through the popular broadcasting networks, MBS and TBS. In 1994, “TAMA and FRIENDS” has been awarded the “Best Picture Award for Children’s Show” from the Japanese Ministry of Culture.

    -Have You Seen My TAMA?- 01
    -Have You Seen My TAMA?- 02

  • TAMA at 3rd District
    -Have You Seen My TAMA? - TV Series -01
  • TAMA at 3rd District
    -Have You Seen My TAMA? - TV Series -02


Title (in English) Length Eps Aspect Ratio Master Material in
TAMA at 3rd District -Have You Seen My TAMA? -
TV Series
14” 51 4:3 HDCAM
Story of TAMA and FRIENDS at 3rd District -Additional Series- 12” 6 4:3 HDCAM
TAMA & FRIENDS -Have You Seen My TAMA?- 1” 104 16:9 HDCAM
Title (in English):
TAMA at 3rd District -Have You Seen My TAMA? - TV Series
Length 14”
Eps 51
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Master Material in HDCAM
Title (in English):
Story of TAMA and FRIENDS at 3rd District
Length 12”
Eps 6
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Master Material in HDCAM
Title (in English):
TAMA & FRIENDS -Have You Seen My TAMA?-
Length 1”
Eps 104
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Master Material in HDCAM


Pre-school 2-6
Adult Japanese Animation Fans